It’s time to become mentally & physically unstoppable and learn how to live life on your own terms
" The best project that you’ll ever work on, is you "
Run Smarter
Do you love running?
Discover how to build the lean, strong, injury free running body that you've always wanted!
My performance enhancing, injury prevention program will show you how you can improve your technique and times, increase your overall energy levels and stay injury free for good.
Your Personal Trainer
I’ve been studying mind/body health and wellness since 1998 and have completed many accreditations in natural healing practices for both the mind and the body.
My therapies and self-help techniques focus on removing physical and emotional restrictions and enhancing energy flow through the body. This approach will helps to accelerate recovery and healing while helping you reach your full potential.
I have over 20 years experience working with Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Bio-Testing & Therapy and Pilates. You can find many of my training videos on YouTube and Facebook, and I also run a support group that you can join.
Corporate Wellness
Some of my testimonials

Prof. Sean Gaine

One thing that has been vital during my running or coaching career was mobility and injury prevention.
Following Tony's Run Smarter Training Program can help build elasticity in your muscles, improve your oxygen efficiency, blood quality and reduce your risk of injury.
If you want a more pain free build up to races or just fluency in your running check out the Run Smart training Program."
Dave Flynn
& US Collegiate Coach